AAEA Invited Paper Sessions at ASSA 2019【转】
之前推送的ASSA/AEA 2019 年会部分中国、农经专题论文汇总漏掉了AAEA组织的Sessions,里面不少农经类论文,可以看看国际友人们都在研究什么农经问题。
NAFTA Revisited– Moving Forward
Organizer:Andrew Schmitz, University of Florida
Moderator:Andrew Schmitz, University of Florida
Renegotiating NAFTA? Evidence from U.S.-Mexico Suspension Agreements on Tomatoes and Sugar
Troy G. Schmitz,Arizona State University, and James L. Seale, Jr., University of Florida
Role of EnablingTrade Indexes & Agreements on Production and Trade Efficiency: A SpatialStochastic Frontier Analysis
Saleem Shaik,North Dakota State University
Strategic Agricultural Trade Policy Interdependence and NAFTA: Does the Exchange RateMatter?
P. Lynn Kennedy,Louisiana State University
NAFTA: Trade andWater Needs in the South Texas-Mexico Border
Luis Ribera,Texas A&M University
Ethics in Agricultural and Applied Economics Research
Organizer:Jeffrey Michler, University of Arizona
Moderator:Jeffrey Michler, University of Arizona
Beyond IRB:Towards a typology of research ethics in applied economics
Anna Josephson,University of Arizona, Jeffrey Michler, University of Arizona, and WilliamMasters, Tufts University
“What do you mean by ‘informed consent’?” Household survey ethics indevelopment research
Melinda Smale,Michigan State University and Anna Josephson, University of Arizona
Ethics in econometrics
Travis Lybbert,University of California, Davis
The Right to Food in the United States: The Role of SNAP
Craig Gundersen,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Exploring Mechanisms Underlying the Gender Gap: Promotion, Perceptions, and ProfessionalNetworks
Organizer: JoyceChen, The Ohio State University
Discussant:Shelly Lundberg, University of California, Santa Barbara
Gender Gaps in Academia: Evidence from The Ohio State University
Daniel Crown, The Ohio State University andJoyce J. Chen, The Ohio State University
Collaboration Networks Among Female Economists: An Examination of Coauthorship using the CSWEP Mentoring Data
Donna K.Ginther, University of Kansas & NBER and Rina Na, University of Kansas
Expectations Bias and Gender
Jill J.McCluskey, Washington State University and Wen Chen, Freddie Mac
PollinationEconomics: The Supply of Honey and Pollination Services in the Face of Pollinator Decline
Organizer:Brittney Goodrich, Auburn University
Discussant:Brittney Goodrich, Auburn University
Does Colony LossReduce Honey Yields?
Peyton Ferrier,USDA Economic Research Service
The Great Bee Migration: Supply Analysis of Honey Bee Colony Shipments into California forAlmond Pollination Services
BrittneyGoodrich, Auburn University, Jeffrey C. Williams, University of California,Davis and Rachael E. Goodhue, University of California, Davis
Beekeeper Costs and Supply Functions for U.S. Honey and Pollination Services
Daniel Sumner,University of California, Davis, Antoine Champetier, Agricultural IssuesCenter, University of California, Davis
Support for Native Pollinators among the Public vs Hobby Beekeepers
Jerrod Penn,Louisiana State University, Wuyang Hu, The Ohio State University, and HannahPenn, Louisiana State University
Food Markets andNutrition
Organizers:Derek Headey, IFPRI and Will Martin, IFPRI
Discussant:Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Where arenutritious diets most expensive? Evidence from 195 foods in 164 countries
Steve Block,Tufts University, Robel Alemu and Derek Headey, IFPRI
Dairy Marketsand Child Nutrition in the Developing World
William J.Martin, IFPRI and David Laborde Debucquet, IFPRI
Eggs beforechickens: Poultry, poverty and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa
Kwaw Andam,IFPRI, Channing Arndt, IFPRI, Faaiqa Hartley, IFPRI, Derek Headey, IFPRI
Rural FoodMarkets and Child Nutrition
John Hoddinott,Cornell University, Kalle John Hoddinott, IFPRII, Derek Headey, IFPRI, andDavid Stifel, Cornell University
AgriculturalInsurance in Developing and Emerging Economics: Demand, Impacts, and Future Prospects
Organizers:Ashok K. Mishra, Arizona State University and Awudu Abdulai, University of Kiel
Discussant:Diego Arias Carballo, World Bank
Crop Insuranceand Food Security in India: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey Data
ThiaguRanganathan, Indian Institute of Management Nagpur and Ashok K. Mishra, ArizonaState University
Production Risks, liquidity constraints and Participation in Crop Insurance Programs inGhana
Renan Goetz,University of Girona, Awudu Abdulai, University of Kiel, Victor Owusu, KwameNkrumah University of Science and Technology
Micro-Analysison the Evaluation of the Impacts of Natural Disasters on Agriculture:Implications for Crop Insurance Programs in Taiwan
Hung Hao Chang,National Taiwan University